Are you staying up to date on the latest developments that could dramatically impact your clients’ tax liabilities?

Recent Tax Court rulings and IRS enforcement actions have shifted the landscape in two critical valuation areas. Staying ahead of these trends isn’t just advisable; it’s essential for protecting your clients’ interests. 

As a seasoned appraiser working closely with legal professionals, I’ve seen how these changes can either bolster your strategy or completely upend your case.

Let’s dive into the specifics.

1. Fractional Interest Discounts

The IRS has tightened guidelines on applying discounts for lack of control and marketability to partial property interests, significantly impacting the valuation of family-owned real estate. These changes could lead to higher estate tax liabilities if not properly accounted for, fundamentally altering asset distribution strategies.

Key Points:

  • Greater Scrutiny: Discounts are now under greater scrutiny.
  • Meticulous Assessment: A thorough assessment of fractional interests is crucial.
  • Potential Tax Increases: Failure to adapt may result in higher estate tax liabilities.

Fractional interest discounts have traditionally been used to reduce the taxable value of family-owned real estate. However, the IRS’s new stance demands meticulous assessment and adaptation to ensure accurate valuations, preventing unexpected tax burdens.

2. Conservation Easement Valuations

The IRS has intensified its examination of conservation easement valuations, increasing the risk of audits and penalties for inexact valuations. While conservation easements can secure charitable deductions and lower estate taxes, accurate and defensible valuations are now more critical than ever.

Key Points:

  • Heightened Scrutiny: Increased potential for IRS audits.
  • Risk of Overvaluation: Overvaluation or abuse can trigger IRS attention.
  • Essential Accuracy: Accurate valuations are essential to avoid penalties.

Conservation easements have been an effective strategy to secure charitable deductions, but the IRS’s heightened scrutiny means that any overvaluation can lead to audits and financial penalties. Ensuring accurate and defensible valuations is now more crucial than ever.

Key Takeaways

  • Monitor: Stay updated on Tax Court decisions and IRS guidelines. Regularly review recent rulings and guidelines that could affect your practice.
  • Ensure: Produce defensible valuations that can withstand rigorous scrutiny. Work with experienced appraisers who are current with the latest IRS and Tax Court expectations.
  • Consider: Assess how these factors might impact your case strategy. If fractional interest discounts are less viable, explore other valuation methods or asset distribution strategies.
  • Consult: Collaborate closely with qualified appraisers who are knowledgeable about these changes. Their expertise can provide nuanced insights necessary to navigate this complex terrain.

Pro Tip: Attend Specialized Workshops

Organize or attend workshops focusing on these new developments. These collaborative learning environments provide invaluable insights and strategies to adapt your practice effectively.

For expert appraisal services in the Greater Portland area, contact me, Joe Orchard at Cascade Real Property Appraisal. Call 503-913-9180 or email

Leveraging professional appraisals can transform your estate planning strategies and help navigate these complex tax updates. Stay informed, adapt your approach, and ensure your clients’ interests are protected in this evolving landscape.